Universidad de Deusto


The University of Deusto (UD) was founded in 1886, well known in the field of Social Science and Humanities and covering fields from law and economics to psychology and tourism. UD offers five internationally renowned Erasmus Mundus Master programmes. The Deusto Campus Mundus 2015 project has been described as an “International Campus of Excellence Promising Project” by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation. This recognition places de University of Deusto in the elite of universities in international excellence by 2015. UD has wide experience in Project Management, coordinating large projects such as the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window and other two Erasmus Mundus Master Programmes, three Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, a Thematic Network (HumanitarianNet). UD also participates as co-coordinator in the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Lots 17, and 18, and as partner in other six Lots. It also participates in several LLP projects.
Main Characteristics: High level of internationalization; The excellence in teaching; UD has been one of the leaders of the Tuning project; UD has a well established set of International Official Master programmes, 7 internationally joint master renowned Erasmus Mundus Master programmes; At third level cycle candidates, UD has developed an important asset, this is the International Research School which is one of the flagships of the International Campus Mundus of Excellence.”


UD will lead the quality and evaluation work package (WP6) of the project.
It will also develop educational material for foreign language learning. More precisely it will:
- contribute to the establishment of the conceptual framework and the pedagogical methodology (as described in work package 2)for the use of revoicing and captioning using audiovisual material for foreign language learning.
– develop 18 activities for Basque, for various levels of the CEFR based on revoicing and captioning in both intralingual (same language) and interlingual (different languages) modes.
- Undertake all required administrative tasks, e.g. provide the necessary information for the progress and final reports;
- Provide feedback for the development of the web platform;
- Utilise the produced material (beta version of the web platform and the activities) in actual educational environments, including face-to-face learning, self-learning, distance learning and provide a pilot use report.
- Carry out the system testing.
The application will be managed within the DeustoTech R&D centre of the Engineering Faculty. It counts with experienced staff in the administrative and financial management of international projects. The project will also have the support of the Deusto Advanced Research Centre (DARC), the Deusto International Research School (DIRS) and the General Management department of the University of Deusto, all centers that support the project management capacity.

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