Liana Pop, PhD, is a senior professor at the Faculty of Letters of „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Expert in French linguistics, Romanian as foreign language, and language didactics, she teaches lexicology, semantics, and discourse analysis.
She was the editor of different series of volumes of studies in Romanian, French, English, and German such as the volumes “cu sau fără profesor” (Ed. Echinox, Cluj : and the volumes of the series Autodidact, for Romanian, French, English, German, and Russian (Ed. Echinox ;
She is a member of the European Language Council: Rethinking multilingualism and of the Romanian National Council for Scientific Reseach.
She has worked on several projects and Thematic Networks (Europe Ensemble, Dylan, AutoDidact).
Relevant publications:
- Espaces discursifs. Pour une representation des heterogeneites discursives, Ed. Peeters, Louvain-Paris, 2000
- La grammaire graduelle, à une virgule près, Ed. Peter Lang, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005
- Grammaire du roumain. Romanian Grammar. Gramatica limbii române, Ed. Echinox, Cluj, 1997 ;
- Nivel Prag. Pentru învăţarea limbii române ca limbă străină, Consiliul Europei, Strasbourg, 2002.
- Scurtă gramatică. Româna ca limbă străină, Ed. Echinox, 2002.