She teaches Spanish language courses (Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, History of the Spanish Language, Varieties of the Spanish Language, Difficulties of the Spanish Language), Translations Analysis and Spanish Culture and Civilization, at the Faculty of Letters, the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She has a BA in Spanish and English from the Faculty of Letters, the “Babeş-Bolyai” University (1997-2001). MA in Compared European Studies from the Faculty of European Studies of the same university (2001-2003). PhD (2010) from the Faculty of History and Philology, the „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania. Her PhD thesis is titled: The Literature of the Romanian Exile of Spanish Expression: George Uscătescu.
She is a professional freelance translator of Spanish and English from 2002.
She collaborates with Instituto Cervantes for the DELE exams.
She is a member of the UBB team for the Clipflair Project (2011-2014).
Her research domains include: the Spanish grammar, translations, the Hispanic-Romanian cultural relations, the Literature of the Romanian Exile in the Hispanic countries.
Relevant publications:
Sanda-Valeria Moraru, Cambios del sistema nominal en el paso del latín al español, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Risoprint, 2003, 105 p.
She also published several articles about the press of the Romanian exile in Spain and Latin America, about difficulties of translation from Romanian into Spanish, lexicology, didactics etc.
sandamoraru [at]