Anamaria Radu

Anamaria Radu has recently defended her Ph.D. thesis, in the field of Linguistics, at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The topic of her PhD thesis is “The Cluj School of Grammar in the Interwar Period”.

Her experience includes teaching the practical course Normative Grammar, the Romanian Phonetics seminar and Romanian as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Letters, Cluj-Napoca. She is currently teaching Romanian as a Foreign Language to a group of students in the preparatory year, at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University.

She has also worked as a professional freelance translator (English and Romanian).

Relevant publications:

-          Cotoc, Alexandra, Radu, Anamaria, “Interdiscourse Communication and Identity Construction in Online Social Networks”, in Dranidis D., Kapoulas A., Vivas A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Annual South – East European Doctoral Student Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece: South-East European Research Centre.

-          Cotoc, Alexandra, Radu, Anamaria (2011), Online Identities on Blogs, in Acta Technica Napocensis – Languages for Specific Purposes, volume 11, issue no. 3, Cluj-Napoca: U. T. Press (CEEOL)

-          Radu, Anamaria, Cotoc, Alexandra (2012), “Creativity and Multidimensional Aspects of Written L2 Romanian Corpora ”, in Acta Technica Napocensis – Languages for Specific Purposes, volume 12, issue no. 3, Cluj-Napoca: U. T. Press (CEEOL).

